Despite the sources, tips and advices from self-proclaimed individuals, the dilemma on first date kissing still affects everyone up to this day. It always is a wonder how people can turn red as tomatoes when this particular jittery feeling comes up after a great date comes to and end.
But, should you really kiss on your first date?
Here are some gathered thoughts and ideas about this mind-boggling and heart-pounding question.
Clue yourself in. You don't really need any sort of oracle or signs from heaven just to accomplish your kissing goal. You just have to pay attention to what the signals your date are putting on. Ever seen her eyes twinkle and shy away after you look towards her? What about her smile? Body language is the key element here.
Feel right. Even when you think that your date is more than ready to welcome you to ravish her; it's most important to ask yourself whether you are doing this kiss because you'd love to feel how her lips touches yours than just by having a shallow reason. Your date will even like you more if you treat her extra special and in this case; your reason for kissing her is not an exemption.
Right place at the right time. This aspect can make or break your kissing operandi. Take note of how to make your date feel special so by all means, do just that. If you want to move in for the kill, make sure that it's somewhere romantic and where there is nobody else but you and her to savor the moment. No, you just can't kiss her in the middle of anywhere-you-feel-like-doing-so because it will only make her feel like she's just like any other girls when she's really not.
When you have figured out all these points, you're on your own. Don't worry, you'll do just fine.
Whoever said that today’s time is just getting worse to worst? If you try to think about it, there are many revolutionary discoveries that had been made in the modern times. This includes the latest discovery by UK scientists about healing scars fast.
If you think that gel is only good for styling hair, think again. The gel that was said to speed up a wound to heal and lessen scarring suppresses a key gene, boosts blood supply and somehow, develops a new way in generating a new layer of tissue. What’s great about this is that it does not only heal scarred tissues on the outside but also internal organ tissue damages caused by surgery or illness.
So, what is this “key gene” you ask? It’s called osteopontin which doubles up the speed flow of blood to the blood vessels around the affected area and the tissue regeneration. There is also less scaring due to the minimal displacement of the new tissue.
When is this going to be available then? That is what we all have to wait for because we’ll have to leave the pharmaceuticals to do their job to develop this gel and distribute it.
As far as I can remember, full moons always have fascinated the interests of young ones and the young at heart. There is no definite explanation though if what my grandparents used to share about aswangs, kapres, mananaggals and tikabalangs are true. But full moon is always the best time to gather around with siblings, cousins and friends while the elders talk about the enchanted world that we live in.
By the way, the words mentioned above are the local names of the damned creatures found in the different islands and islets of this archipelago. But does full moon really have any affect to both human and animal behavior?
Here's what the experts have to say...
When there is an unusual occurrence of just about anything, people tend to associate it to the strangest things which do not have any relation with each other at all. This is caused by a person's selective memory. When there's a full moon, we notice that moon and put the blame to it just because it looks so mysterious and it has been always associated with darkness.
And since this has been the usual reaction of everybody, the media tend to sensationalize the situation. But, we must all admit that its what they do – to sensationalize a slightly obscure scenario. That makes the full moon and a weird occurrence even more strange.
A psychiatrist have studied this particular belief and explains that people behave in a mischievous way because this belief has been carried down from one generation to another. Legends and folklores tell about people from an ancient civilization dancing and prancing about whenever a full moon occurs. Hmm...this is probably why people also tend to behave madly whenever there is full moon. The feeling of being carefree doesn't have anything to do with the forces of the moon. It simply is what people believed before up to now.
I wonder if going out to the woods during a full moon will not be safe now?
This is my first blog... "from my desk to your interest"... thanks to "bonita" for this wonderful title.. ehehhehe cheers!